Clusters of striking, dark orange flowers in mid
Clusters of striking, dark orange flowers in mid- and late spring, followed by bluish-purple autumn berries, and spiny, dark green, holly-like leaves. This upright, evergreen shrub is ideal for growing in a shrub border or as an informal, flowering hedge. Vigorous and easy-to-grow, it often produces a second flush of flowers in autumn.Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: well-drained soilRate of growth: fast-growingFlowering period: April and MayFlower colour: dark orangeOther features: spherical, bluish-purple autumn fruitHardiness: fully hardy Garden care: Requires minimal pruning. Where some pruning is required, cut back in autumn or winter, after the appearance of the autumn fruitsGoes well with: Artemisia `Powis Castle`, Cerinthe major `Purpurascens`, Magnolia stellata, Sisyrinchium striatum, Buddleja davidii `White Profusion`. Choisya ternata, Myrtus communis |