Cutting Garden Collection
Sarah Raven's Cutting GardenA selection
Sarah Raven's Cutting GardenA selection of seeds to stock a cutting patch. There are nine hardy annuals, 7 half hardys and 2 outstanding biennials, all reliable and easy to grow, with the right balance between blooms, fillers and foliage. (5 foliage, 5 foliage or flower-fillers and 8 blooms), colour and calm, to fill your house and garden with flowers.Hardy Annuals: Ammi majus 'Bishop's Flower', Anethum graveolens 'Acid Green Dill', Atriplex hortensis 'Red Orache', Calendula 'Indian Prince', Cerinthe major, Malope trifida 'Vulcan', Euphorbia oblongata, Salvia viridis 'Blue', Scabiosa atropurpureaHalf hardy annuals: Amaranthus caudatus 'Viridis', Antirrhinum 'F1 Crimson', Cosmos 'Purity', Molucella laevis 'Bells of Ireland', Nicotiana 'Lime Green', Phlox 'Tapestry Mix', |