Fabulously fragrant, pink-flushed, orange-yellow
Fabulously fragrant, pink-flushed, orange-yellow, tubular flowers from June to August, followed by red berries in hot summers. This vigorous, shrubby honeysuckle is perfect for a small cottage-style or wildlife garden. Since it doesn`t have the twining branches found on other varieties, it may need tying with garden twine to an upright support.Position: full sun or partial shadeSoil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soilRate of growth: fast-growingFlowering period: June to AugustFlower colour: pink-flushed, orange-yellow flowersOther features: small, red berries may cause a mild stomach upset if ingested; pairs of oval, dark green leaves with blue-green undersidesHardiness: fully hardyGarden care: Cut back established plants after flowering, removing a third of the flowering shoots. Apply a generous 5-7cm (2-3in) mulch of well-rotted compost or manure around the base of the plant in early springGoes well with: Buddleja davidii `Nanho Purple`, Euphorbia myrsinites, Nepeta x faasenii, Penniset |