Sprays of gentian-blue, star-shaped flowers with
Sprays of gentian-blue, star-shaped flowers with a pale lilac edge in March and April and heart-shaped, mid-green leaves. This fast-growing, evergreen perennial is perfect for carpeting areas in between deciduous shrubs and trees. An excellent companion for ferns and other shade-loving woodland plants, it prefers moist, moderately fertile, humus-rich soil.Position: partial shadeSoil: moist, moderately fertile, humus-rich soilRate of growth: fast-growing Flowering period: March and April Flower colour: gentian-blue with a pale lilac edgeHardiness: fully hardyGarden care: Incorporate lots of well-rotted leafmould, composted pine needles or garden compost when planting. Lift and divide congested colonies in springGoes well with: Pulmonaria officinalis `Sissinghurst White`, Athyrium felix-femina, Dicentra spectabilis `Alba`, Polygonatum odoratum, Sarcococca confusa, Viburnum opulus `Compactum` |