Brand ACER |
Operating system MS WindowsPocket PC The operating system runs the organisers applications. | Processor Samsung The make of the processor | Processor Speed 266 MHz speed of the processor determines how quickly information can be retrieved. | Memory RAM 64 Mb the amount of storage space the product has to store new information | Product weight 130 grammes Total weight | Battery life Apporx. 8 Hr the product can work for up to this long from a full battery | Bluetooth Included Bluetooth wireless connectivity is built in to this PDA, so theres no need to buy a separate Bluetooth accessory card | Built in digital camera No | Colour screen Yes Vivid colour display enriches all applications Mono, 12 bit or 16 bit | No of colours 65,000 Vivid colour display enriches all applications Mono, 12 bit or 16 bit | Display resolution 320x240 Resolution | Touch screen No | Handwriting recognition Yes no need to type | Battery type No | Expandable memory No | Infrared Yes Send and receive information wthout the need for any wires | Backlight Yes enables you to see what you are doing | Main battery N/A | Rechargeable No | Internal microphone Yes can plug in microphone | Internal speakers Yes you can play sound | Card support N/A | Other Features 71x118x13mm dimensions - WxHxD How big is the product (cm) | 32Mb Flash ROM . | Earphone jack can plug ina nd listen with headphones | Card supplied is there a memory card suplpied | Aviod roadblocks route around road or stretches of roads where you dont want to drive. | Store favourite routes and locations Both convenient and time-saving | Night/day mode Can work during the night or day | SD Card Expandable memory with the use of a memory stick |